Pull Along Turtle
Pull Along Turtle
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Pull Along Turtle
SPAR 20%
120,00 kr.
Black November
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188,00 kr.
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Ved valg af medlemspris vælger du et medlemskab og betaler kun medlemspriser og får adgang til alle medlemsfordele. Prisen for et medlemskab er kun 168 DKK mdr. og så har du adgang til alle vores fordele.
Produktet ovenfor ligger på fjernlager. Du skal derfor forvente levering indenfor 3-14 hverdage.
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Man - Tors: 09:00 - 11:30
The activity wheels feature different textures and shapes for your baby to explore and engage with. The rattle sounds and colorful design also provide sensory stimulation for your little one.
As your baby pushes or pulls the turtle, they will develop their gross motor skills and coordination. This toy encourages them to crawl or take their first steps, helping them to strengthen their muscles and improve their balance.
The pull-along feature of the turtle allows your baby to have a companion as they explore their surroundings. It promotes independence and encourages them to explore their environment, providing them with a sense of adventure and excitement.
Additionally, the cute and friendly design of the turtle is visually appealing to your baby, keeping them entertained and interested in playtime. The rattle sounds and activity wheels add an element of fun and discovery to their play experience.
Overall, the activity turtle from Scandinavian Baby Products is a versatile and engaging toy that provides your baby with both physical and sensory stimulation. It encourages them to move forward and explore their surroundings, while also promoting their development and learning.